Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What You Need To Know About Keywords

Keywords used to be the big thing to have in mind when you are building your website, or publishing anything on the web.  These keywords carried the meaning of your website, kind of an ID, they defined what you and your business are. But since October 2013, with the launch of Google's new algorithm Hummingbird, a lot of questions were asked, especially when you see some negative effects on your keyword-rich anchor text. So what is the situation for keywords today?

First of all, what changed in the background of SEO: Hummingbird, the new algorithm of Google. The search engine of Google now runs on form-based queries, which brings the algorithm to answer your question like a person. What we learn since the launch of this new algorithm is now content is king, and the best way to promote your website, to improve your rankings is to create content. OK we all understood that, but does it mean that all the strategies and tricks we developed from the past 15 years are obsolete? Absolutely not.

Keywords are still a corner-stone of SEO strategy, and the fact that the new algorithm highlights content gives to SEO specialist a new ways to approach keywords and SEO in general. Instead of asking ourselves "What is my ranking with this particular query", we need to focus on how to answer the questions users will ask the best way possible. It means we need to include keywords to our content creation, and in the way we conceive it, to make sure users will find us when they are looking for our services.

You can even invent new keywords. The keywords from neologisms are a big opportunity by the fact that the word itself is new. So the new trend starts emerging, you have to be there, be the first to use the keywords to surf on top of the wave when users will ask Google about this new trend. This keyword invention and discovery is of course linked to social media because they are where the trend appears, are created. And when you get good at it, your name or your product name may be used to characterize the whole category of product (like Google for example, when we want to say "look for it on internet" we say" Google it").

So to summarize, keywords are still very important but you need to extend them to all your content creation to take advantage of Hummingbird. And while linked to social media, try to create keyword to be innovator and improve your ranking by being on top of new trends, and  take it EZ.

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